At just 20 years old, Bhargsetu Sharma put her life on the line to save a drowning man, an act of bravery that earned her prestigious recognition, including the Governor’s Medal and the Raksha Mantri Prashasti. Now, at 27, her courage is channeled into a different cause – rescuing animals in need.
Bhargsetu’s dedication to animal welfare traces back to her childhood in Gujarat. A pivotal moment came in 2012 when she saw helpless puppies discarded from her neighborhood due to complaints.
In 2013, she co-founded ‘Humans with Humanity,’ an organization built on the principle that compassion should extend to every living being. From a modest group of eight volunteers, the initiative has blossomed into a national network of over 3,000 people, resulting in the rescue and rehabilitation of more than 5,000 animals.
Bhargsetu and her team respond to the needs of all creatures, whether it’s dogs, birds, or monkeys. Her direct involvement in rescues highlights her unwavering commitment. One notable instance saw her descend into a well to save a stranded dog, a testament to her hands-on approach.
Beyond individual rescues, Bhargsetu hopes to instill a broader sense of compassion and responsibility toward animals. “We don’t call ourselves animal welfare activists. We call ourselves humanitarians,” she explains.
This article by Trinity Sparke was first published by One Green Planet on 13 January 2025. Lead Image: Image Credit :Christin Lola/Shutterstock.
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