New records of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from the Western Balkans
In this study, we present new faunistic data on spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from the Western Balkans. Our findings include the first records of six genera and 23 species for Kosovo: Micaria (2 species), Nomisia (2 species), Allagelena (1 species), Alopecosa (1 species), Ballus (1 species), Cheiracanthium (1 species), Clubiona (1 species), Dipoena (1 species), Enoplognatha (1 species), Eresus (1 species), Hoplopholcus (1 species), Icius (1 species), Mendoza (1 species), Mimetus (1 species), Myrmarachne (1 species), Talavera (1 species), Tegenaria (1 species), Trochosa (1 species), Walckenaeria (1 species), Zodarion (2 species), and Zora (1 species). Additionally, two genera and two species are newly recorded for Albania. One species each is newly recorded for Serbia and North Macedonia. Photographs of the habitus and copulatory organs are provided for all treated species, supporting identification and taxonomic comparisons.
Geci, Donard, Halil Ibrahimi, Astrit Bilalli, and Milaim Musliu. 2025. “New Records of Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from the Western Balkans”. Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics 11 (2):269–289.