Keith Sabin is a practicing psychotherapist who lives in New Jersey, and commutes into New York City in his electric car. Keith bought a Tesla 3 in 2021 to reduce his personal impact on the environment. He also loves the car’s performance, noting that it accelerates like a race car.
People shouldn’t automatically assume that electric cars are more expensive.
Keith Sabin
Keith installed an EV charger for his car in his home through a licensed electrician and says that the experience of charging at home “is wonderful!” He says he saves money by charging at home instead of buying gas and that he has never experienced range anxiety. Keith took advantage of state and federal tax credits that saved him around $12,000 on his new car. “People shouldn’t automatically assume that electric cars are more expensive … with a car as wonderful as Tesla is in its performance it is a very reasonable price.” For Keith price wasn’t the deciding factor in his purchase but it did make it more achievable.
Besides driving an electric car, Keith has also taken steps to reduce energy waste in his own home. Keith conducted a home efficiency audit and found many ways to weatherize his home and improve its efficiency by air sealing and adding insulation. He continues to diligently track his energy use, vigilantly seeking out ways to improve his home. Keith considered putting up solar panels but decided against it after he learned that to make the installation worth it he would have to chop down the trees that he adores. He hopes more people will switch to EVs in the coming years and that people stay vigilant of their energy usage.
If you want to find out more about how to make your home more energy efficient check out our Clean Energy Home Toolkit below.
Clean Energy Home Toolkit