His mother, 72-year-old Shivkali Devi, had reached Prayagraj along with her daughter Sangeeta Devi and grandson Sujeet on Monday. Sangeeta was also injured in the incident. “She (his sister) is present in the ambulance carrying the body of my mother,” Singh said. His brother, who works in the IT sector in Pune, was also on the way to the village by train.
Girish Dubey, who works at a company in Noida, has a similar story to share. He got a phone call around 10 am on Wednesday from the driver of an ambulance. “He gave me the shocking news about the death of my mother, Kanti Devi, in the stampede,” he said. “My nephew Mukul is with the body of my mother. The mela administration is also in touch,” Dubey told ET over the phone from Prayagraj.
He has two sisters; his father died in 2012. His mother was with him till a month back in Noida. “I asked her not to go to Mahakumbh in view of the presence of a huge crowd there. But she was desperate to go there to take a holy dip in the Sangam,” he said.
The 70-year-old returned to her village in Bihar from Noida and then went alone to Prayagraj. “I was in touch with her during her stay in Mahakumbh,” he said.The body of 55-year-old victim Rajrani Devi reached her village Soshana in Bihar’s Aurangabad on Thursday. y. “My younger brother, Ramsewak, was accompanying my mother Rajrani during her Kumbh visit. Her death occurred due to being crushed. My brother was also injured,” Jitendra Yadav, her eldest son, said over the phone. He said his father died in 2004. The body of another victim from the same district, a young girl named Sonam, reached her village, Haspura, on Thursday. She had accompanied her mother, Rajni Kunwar, to Prayagraj. “After her father’s death about two years ago, she was her mother’s sole support,” her maternal uncle Shatrughna Sharma said on phone.