The climate crisis impacts us and our future. Unnatural storms, wildfires, droughts, and heatwaves across Canada and around the world will keep getting worse unless we transition off of fossil fuels and begin to invest in our future.ÂÂ
In 2023, we celebrated a significant victory: the Government of Canada finally released new rules ending fossil fuel subsidies. This victory was a long time in the making – and it was the result of years of hard work and the help of allies and our supporters.ÂÂ
The government has made big promises – itâ€s time for them to finish the job.ÂÂ
The rules released last year only apply to tax measures or spending that comes directly from government departments. The rules donâ€t apply to public financing provided by crown corporations like Export Development Canada. Thatâ€s a problem: most of the support to the oil and gas industry is being provided through Export Development Canada.ÂÂ
Thatâ€s why we set out to let Prime Minister Trudeau know that we want an end to all financing of the fossil fuel sector with no exceptions.ÂÂ
Last year, we delivered over 138,000 letters from people across Canada demanding that no more taxpayer money be used to prop up the oil and gas industry. This year, we sent 1500 postcards to supporters across Canada and over 600 postcards directly to Prime Minister Trudeau from across Canada. Even some canine friends sent a postcard! Together, we sent a strong message that we want the Government of Canada to invest in our future through affordable energy-efficient housing, renewable energy, public transit, programs that address food insecurity and protection against wildfires.ÂÂ
Thank you for taking part in this campaign and supporting climate action.ÂÂ
We know there are so many helpful ways that the federal government could be using public money instead of subsidizing the wealthiest oil and gas companies so that their CEOs can get even richer, while they fuel the climate crisis. Taxpayer dollars should not be fueling climate pollution but should be used to invest in our future.ÂÂ
Check out some of the images sent in by our supporters mailing in their postcards.
We appreciate your support and thank all of our supporters for taking action and telling the federal government where the money SHOULD be going instead. Want to do more?
Take Action: Tell Canada to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels