Revathi, a resident of Dilsukhnagar, attended the event with her husband Bhaskar and their two children. According to police reports, the chaos unfolded around 10:30 pm when fans surged to catch a glimpse of Allu Arjun, who was present at the screening. The overwhelming crowd caused suffocation and injuries, as per the TOI report.
Videos circulating online show police and bystanders attempting to help Revathi, who collapsed during the commotion. CPR was administered before she was rushed to the hospital, but she succumbed to her injuries.
Her son, who was also caught in the stampede, was transferred to a super-speciality hospital and remains in critical condition.
According to the TOI report, police confirmed the use of mild force, including a lathi charge, to control the surging crowd. The main gate of the theatre reportedly collapsed amid the chaos. Security was intensified, and additional personnel were deployed to manage the situation.
Allu Arjun addressed the crowd while leaving the venue, appearing through his car’s sunroof and urging people to clear the way. Pushpa 2: The Rule is the sequel to the 2021 blockbuster Pushpa: The Rise. Directed by Sukumar, the film features Rashmika Mandanna, Fahadh Faasil, and an ensemble cast. The movie is scheduled for release across over 10,000 screens globally.