BOSTON – Three months after renouncing its plastic reduction goals, Coca-Cola has committed to disclosing its ongoing investments in reusable bottles and the outcomes of these efforts. The largest soft drink company in the world took this action in response to a shareholder proposal from a mutual fund family affiliated with Environment America Research & Policy Center and U.S. PIRG Education Fund.
Coca-Cola, which sells more than 100 billion plastic bottles full of beverages each year, is the world’s largest source of plastic pollution. According to experts, one of the most effective ways to reduce both plastic use and pollution is by replacing single-use plastic containers with reusable ones. However, in December, Coke abandoned its 2022 goals to deliver 25% of beverages in reusable containers by 2030 and to cut 3 million metric tons of new plastic by 2025.
The equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic end up in our oceans, rivers and lakes every day. These plastics shed or break down into microplastics, which beyond polluting the environment, pollute the human body, leading to health problems.
In response, Environment America Research & Policy Center’s Beyond Plastic Campaign Director Celeste Meiffren-Swango released this statement:
“Plastic production is on pace to double by 2050 unless we take meaningful action to reduce it. Coke’s abandoned plastic reduction and reuse goals would have substantially helped stem the flow of plastic. It’s a shame the company discontinued that plan. However, Coca-Cola’s new commitment to transparency about reusable packaging investments and results will help the public know better if the company is taking steps to be part of the solution or will continue to be part of the problem.”