The Aqualunar Challenge, a collaboration between the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and Impact Canada, has selected four finalists who will compete for the $400,000 Grand Winner prize.
As a reminder, the challenge organizations have to overcome is removing from lunar water ice a “number of contaminants preventing its use unless it is purified.”
Removing the contaminants is essential for future human exploration of the moon as astronauts will rely on the water ice for drinking water. As with other challenges created by the CSA, part of the objective is to adapt the technology developed to server terrestrial needs, and in this case to “advance water purification processes here on Earth.”
The four Aqualunar Challenge finalists selected from the previous eight semi-finalists are:
- 778 Labs
Solution: VDO Lunar Water Purification SystemThe Vaporization, Distillation, & Oxidation Lunar Water Purification System is a reliable, efficient, and highly integrated process for turning lunar water ice into clean, drinkable water.
- Lotic Technologies Inc.
Solution: Electro-Catalytic Advanced Oxidation Process (EC-AOP) for Lunar Water PurificationLotic seeks to contribute its proprietary EC-AOP technology to the challenge, aiming to enhance the clarification of Lunar Water, leveraging our innovative solution for sustainable lunar exploration.
Each organization received $105,000 for moving on the finals.
According to Impact Canada, the finalists have “10 months to integrate the components of their prototypes (minimum TRL 4)”. For technology readiness level (TRL) 4 the organizations must show that “basic technological components are integrated to establish that they will work together. Activities include integration of ‘ad hoc’ hardware in the laboratory.”
The winner will be announced in the spring of 2026.