She was later arrested in Dhaka’s Kawran Bazar area on Wednesday night after the confrontation with the mob. Police intervened after the crowd accused Saha of spreading misinformation and “working to make Bangladesh a part of India.” Saha maintained her innocence, stating, “This is also my country.”
A video circulating online shows the tense encounter. The mob accused Saha of involvement in the 2009 Bangladesh Rifles mutiny and student deaths. “You are doing everything to make this country a part of India. The blood of students is on your hands,” one person shouted. Saha responded, “How have I harmed? This is also my country.”
DB Additional Commissioner Rezaul Karim Mallik confirmed Saha’s arrest around 9:30 pm. He said she faces multiple cases in Dhaka. The exact jurisdiction of her arrest is yet to be determined. Saha was previously charged with crimes against humanity after the fall of the Sheikh Hasina administration.Meanwhile, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Kolkata reported the arrests of two more monks and the secretary of Chinmoy Krishna Das. Radharaman Das, ISKCON Kolkata Vice President, told Times Now Network the monks were arrested while leaving a jail after delivering medicine to Chinmoy Krishna Das. He expressed concern about the monks’ access to legal representation. “We saw those lawyers in Bangladesh [who] advocated for Chinmoy Prabhu Das have been slapped [with] cases. Some of them were beaten up. Amid such [a] situation who will come for these innocent monks?” he said.