Combined, the other seven states contribute Rs 845 crore: Nagaland Rs 227 crore, Mizoram Rs 156 crore, Arunachal Pradesh Rs 78 crore, Tripura Rs 72 crore, Meghalaya Rs 19 crore, and Sikkim Rs 5 crore. Notable growth rates were seen in Mizoram (31%), Sikkim (25%), Nagaland (22.7%), and Manipur (20%). The industry contributes around Rs 300 crore annually to the exchequer of northeastern states, reinforcing its role in the region’s development, the IDSA highlighted.
Anasua Dutta Barua, Secretary, Consumer Affairs Assam, said while creating a conducive environment for the direct selling industry under the regulations, the state is committed to safeguard the interests of consumers. Underscoring the need to ensure the products quality for consumers, she offered all the help to the industry from her department, which also aboard IDSA as a subject matter expert in the Monitoring Committee, set up by in compliance to the Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules 2021. The Government is working towards creating an effective mechanism to ensure companies adhere to direct selling rules, she added.
Vivek Katoch, Chairman, IDSA, said, “Northeast continues to be among the key and priority markets for the DSI. The growth figures clearly reflect that it is poised for new horizons, reaffirming the relentless hard work of direct sellers. The industry, growing at more than 12% rate at the national level, has provided self-employment for nearly 86 lakh Indians. The IDSA member companies can confidently lay claim to successfully protecting consumer interests as well as those of over 4.2 lakh direct sellers in the region. He said ten states including Assam, so far have established monitoring committees in line with the Rules. The other states to follow suit.”
He added, “We have sought governments help for dissuading the e commerce platforms in selling our products. This is a challenge for us.”The daylong event witnessed brainstorming by industry leaders, experts, and policymakers on crucial topics such as industry growth, regulatory frameworks, consumer awareness, reforms, policy advocacy, and interactive sessions for the empowerment of women and youth through direct selling opportunities. It comprised recognition of 45 women entrepreneurs from the region for their achievements in direct selling, a product ramp walks in the traditional Northeast attire, and a grand exhibition that showcased the innovations and diversity of the direct selling industry.