Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)’s national convener Kejriwal tweeted a circular issued by the office of the Additional Director General of Police (DGP), Armed Unit, regarding deployment of SRPF for Delhi election. “Read this order of Gujarat Police. Election Commission has removed Punjab Police from Delhi and deployed Gujarat Police. What is going on?” he said in his post on X. His tweet came a day after the Punjab Police personnel deployed for his personal security were withdrawn, which he said was “pure politics.” There should not be any politics at least over personal safety and security, he added.
Punjab’s Director General of Police Gaurav Yadav said that component of the state police deployed for Kejriwal’s security was withdrawn following directions from the Delhi Police and EC. Polling for all 70 assembly seats in Delhi will be held on February 5 and the votes will be counted on February 8.