The iconic “Doctor Yellow” train belonging to Central Japan Railway, or JR Central, arrived at Tokyo Station on Wednesday after completing its final inspection of tracks on the Tokaido Shinkansen line before its retirement.
The other Doctor Yellow inspection train, owned by West Japan Railway, or JR West, is expected to retire as soon as 2027.
JR Central and JR West have had one Doctor Yellow train each. In June last year, the two companies announced plans to end the operations of the popular yellow trains due to aging.
JR Central’s T4 Doctor Yellow entered into service in 2001. Its total distance covered reached 1.57 million kilometers.
The first generation of Doctor Yellow train made debuted in 1964, when the Tokaido Shinkansen line opened.
While running, Doctor Yellow checks rails for distortion and inspects overhead wires and signal facilities. Doctor Yellow runs about once every 10 days, but its schedule is not disclosed, so railway fans often say, “You will be happy when you see the train.”
After the retirement of its Doctor Yellow on Wednesday, JR Central will use an N700S passenger train to inspect rails and other facilities.
On Wednesday evening, many railway fans gathered on a shinkansen platform at Tokyo Station and took pictures of the retiring Doctor Yellow train, decorated with the message “Thank You T4” on its windows.
Doctor Yellow “was attractive because it was shrouded in mystery,” said Haruka Kawashima, 34, who was accompanying two boys. “I feel like I’ll be happy as I was able to see it on its final appearance.”
JR Central’s “Doctor Yellow” T4 train is decorated with messages of gratitude ahead of its retirement, in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo, on Tuesday
| Courtesy of JR Central / via Jiji