In 2024, our reporting was read not only by reporters and editors at The New York Times, but also by members of Congress, state legislators, PUC commissioners, climatetech investors, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, energy industry innovators, concerned citizens — and you. Our work is informing and inspiring people around the U.S. and the world as they strive to clean up our energy systems, industries, and economies.
As we enter 2025, the energy transition is headed into some turbulent times, but it will continue — and Canary Media will continue reporting on it. We have plans to grow our team of reporters, widen our geographic reach, increase our newsletter offerings, and expand our series of Canary Live events.
The New York Times didn’t just praise our work; it also urged people to make donations to support it. Nonprofit news sites devoted to climate coverage “deserve our attention, and our dollars, now more than ever,” wrote Margaret Renkl, Times opinion writer.
Do you agree? If so, can you make a donation to support Canary Media?
Many thanks for reading and supporting us. Happy New Year!
P.S. — Here’s a link to the NYT piece, but please make a gift to Canary before you go off and read it.