A record high of about 400,000 Hong Kong residents have registered their intention to donate organs, the city’s health minister said while calling on more to join.
Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau on Sunday revealed the increase from 360,000 potential donors in 2023, in the latest figures of the Centralised Organ Donation Register but noted that there was still room for improvement compared to the city’s 7.5 million population.
“Our aim is to achieve more breakthroughs. We hope that the figure on the register can record a transcending increase,” said Lo, speaking at the organ donation thanksgiving day.
He described organ donation as a “selfless” and “mighty” act as families facing loss and agony were willing to make other households complete.
Lo also deemed the cases of two Hong Kong infants receiving organ donations from mainland China as “miracles” after being unable to find suitable donors within the city.